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Using a Merchant Cash Advance to Make Improvements to Your Business

If you are a small business owner, you probably know how beneficial a small business loan can be. You may not, however, realize how many different kinds of loans there are. The key to using financing successfully is choosing the right kind of loan for your unique situation. One of the most beneficial kinds of financing is the merchant cash advance. This unique loan was designed to be as accessible and safe as possible, while still providing business owners with a useful amount of capital that allows them to undertake exciting new projects. Learn more about what makes a cash advance unique and how MWFSG (Miller-White Financial Services Group) can help you get approved.

What Makes a Cash Advance Different?

Instead of making pre-set payments, a cash advance has you pay a small percent of your credit card sales each month. This means the amount you owe varies based on how much you make. When you have a slower month, you owe less, making the loan much safe. Some of the other benefits include:

  • No upfront fees
  • Simpler qualifications
  • No closing costs
  • Short processing time

Give MWFSG (Miller-White Financial Services Group) a call to learn more about merchant cash advances and how you can be approved. We are always happy to answer any questions you may have.